Prana means breath, respiration, life,
vitality, energy or strength. When used in the plural, it denotes certain vital
breaths or currents of energy (prana-vayus). Ayama means ‘stretch’, extension,
expansion, length, breadth, regulation, prolongation, restraint or control.
Pranayama, thus means the prolongation of the breath and its restraint.
It is an art and has techniques which make
the respiratory organs move and expand intentionally, rhythmically and
intensively. It consists of inhalation, which stimulates the system, exhalation
which throws out the vitiated air and toxins and kumbhaka, retention, which
distributes the energy throughout the body.
Breath is the bridge between the body,
senses and the mind. Such disciplined breathing helps the mind to concentrate
and enables the aspirant to attain a robust health and longevity. Asanas or postures remove obstructions which
impede the body’s energy current, pranayama regulates this vital flow. It also
regulates thoughts, desires and actions, giving one the poise and will power
needed to become a master of oneself.
More to come on this page on prayanama...the types, chakras...related stuff..